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AAHomecare Alert: HME Legislation Approved by Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee


This afternoon, the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee approved two HME priority measures: The DMEPOS Relief Act of 2023 (H.R. 5555), and The Choices for Increased Mobility Act of 2023 (H.R. 5371). The bills will now move to the full Energy & Commerce Committee for consideration in the coming weeks.

“This is a major step forward for our priority legislation in the House,” said Tom Ryan, AAHomecare president & CEO. “The HME community’s persistent grassroots advocacy and three separate legislative events, including Monday’s Virtual Hill Day, have raised the visibility of both our policy priorities and our important role in the healthcare continuum.” 

"During the consideration of H.R. 5555 today, several legislators noted that they had recently and persistently heard from HME suppliers on this issue as they registered support for the bill," added Ryan. "It's clear we're making a difference here, but we'll need to keep the pressure on to make sure we have strong buy-in across the full Energy & Commerce Committee and other influential legislators in House and Senate throughout the remainder of the year. I'm confident HME advocates are ready to do what it takes to bring home some wins for our industry.”

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