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Latest Supplier Tracking Continues to Show Decline in Medicare-Registered DMEPOS Locations
Ohio Has Lost 44% of Its Medicare Supplier Locations Since 2013
The American Association for Homecare’s quarterly supplier number tracking sheet is now available with October 2023 data. AAHomecare monitors the DMEPOS industry by reviewing the list of Medicare enrolled suppliers from CMS.
The updated tracking sheet shows a slight decline from last quarter’s update, which showed the most significant decrease in traditional DMEPOS supplier locations in years. They now estimate there are currently 8,088 traditional Medicare DMEPOS locations across the country, about 100 locations decrease from their last reporting for July 2023. The statistics now show a 37% decrease in traditional DME supplier locations since 2013. Ohio has lost 44% of its traditional Medicare DME locations across the state.
State-specific results and their "heat-map" of supplier locations nationwide document can be found here. This data is important to track, and the significant decline of locations over the past decade raises serious concerns for ensuring timely access to quality DME services for all consumers.