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News for Ohio Medicaid Providers: Defects Impacting Delivery of 835 Files


The following article was published in Ohio Department of Medicaid "ODM Press" on 7/07/2023:

Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) is aware of issues affecting the provider community’s ability to consistently receive fee-for-service (FFS) 835 files since the Fiscal Intermediary (FI) launch on February 1. ODM understands the importance of timely and accurate data exchange and is committed to ensuring a smooth and reliable user experience. Over the last few months, ODM and its vendors have been identifying and correcting 835-related errors. As a result of the fixes, the majority of missing 835 details have been generated. A large batch was released on May 24, followed by a second batch released on June 26, and we expect another batch to be released today, July 7.

There is one remaining known issue that is currently being addressed. ODM has identified that this issue is primarily affecting hospitals claims. These files cannot be delivered since they failed SNIP edits at the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). ODM vendors are working on implementing a fix in the coming 2-3 weeks.

If you have any questions or concerns about this issue, please contact Ohio Medicaid’s Integrated Helpdesk (IHD) at 800-686-1516 or email Representatives are available 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Eastern time Monday-Friday. We appreciate your understanding and your continued partnership.

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