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NCART Announces Plans for National CRT Awareness Week


NCART kicks off this year’s annual National CRT Awareness Week with a number of advocacy activities.  The celebratory week is scheduled September 20-24. While advocates honor CRT all year long, this week is set aside as a special opportunity for us all to come together to increase the understanding of policymakers, legislators, medical professionals, and others about what CRT is, who uses it, the benefits it brings, how it is provided, and why access matters.

As the national organization did last year, they have designated days throughout the week for different segments of the CRT community. However, anyone can be an advocate for CRT and can get involved in CRT Awareness Week at ANY time, regardless of what day it is:

We’re encouraging individuals and organizations to get creative and choose at least one day and one way to share something about CRT. Click here to learn more about the week and how you can get involved.

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